Thursday, December 15, 2016

Short stories - Walking away series #7

Walking away from the shaking, bleeding body of her would be rapist, she thanked her dad and the black belt she had earned through years of practice.

Short stories - Walking away series #6

Walking away, strutting a la Travolta, he whistles a little tune to himself. All of 15 and no longer a virgin, he mused.

Short stories - Walking away series #5

Walking away was easy. The hard part was trying to put a distance between two hearts.

Short stories - Walking away series #4

Walking away from her fresh grave, he wiped a tear off his craggy face. For the first time in fifty years, they were going to sleep apart.

Short stories - Walking away series #3

Walking away was never an option for her. It was either the daily dose of physical abuse from the naked bodies that clawed her at night or the face of her brave children trying to hide their gnawing hunger.

Short stories - Walking away series #3

Walking away was never an option for her. It was either the daily dose of physical abuse from the naked bodies that clawed her at night or the face of her brave children trying to hide their gnawing hunger.

Short stories - Walking away series #2

Walking away in that funny drunken gait, the old man tripped and fell. The ones who gathered to laugh and click pictures didn't realise for a long time that they just witnessed a massive heart attack.

Walking away series #1

Walking away from the wailing bundle, the mother never glanced back. Though fading away, her wracking sobs were soothing to the just born.

Walking away series #1

Walking away from the wailing bundle, the mother never glanced back. Though fading away, her wracking sobs were soothing to the just born.

Walking away series #1

Walking away from the wailing bundle, the mother never glanced back. Though fading away, her wracking sobs were soothing to the just born.

Walking away series #1

Walking away from the wailing bundle, the mother never glanced back. Though fading away, her wracking sobs were soothing to the just born.

Sunday, July 31, 2016


You were a winner the day you were conceived.
From then on, your life has been a series of wins.
Every day you lived became another notch in your record book.
You survived.
Against humongous odds that tried to pull the life from under you even before you were born.
You are a survivor, a winner, a champion for life.

You withstood harmful infections, countless falls and depressing days,
escaped accidents that might have proved fatal,
guided yourself our of tight corners where danger lurked.
You carried on.. an unstoppable force of nature.

Keep on winning, keep on living.
Because within you is the knowledge that nothing is more precious in life than life itself.


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Writers block

Here on this line, parched and confused
Wrung out, hung to dry, a discarded towel,

I await the showers, the all giving enriching drench.

Begging to bring back my powers,
Bring back the other, the poet.

Let it rain, let me soak abundant in;
Grateful wetness of knowing none is lost.

In the dark shadows I live; corners ghostly,
Hope is never buried in my street as

I await the showers, the all giving enriching drench

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The cow and bull of it

Many of us came to know with a mild jolt yesterday that scientists at Gujarat's Junagadh 
Agricultural University (JAU) claim to have discovered gold in cow urine.

How much ? 10 mg of gold per liter ! They spent four years to come up with this golden information. What I want to lay out here is the sheer economy of cow urine and at the same time point an accusing finger at all of us for letting go of an opportunity to raise 600 billion dollars annually. Read on........

The average cow produces upto 13 litres of urine a day. ( which stinkfully works out to 130 mg of gold a day. 

For all the ridicule the science mythyction is bringing us, imagine this, there are about 300 million cows in India ( why the fuck did we waste Fourteen million one hundred and seventy five kilos of gold in the past one year ?As per the findings of the elite uro-gold experts, the much profitable animal has the capability to provide around 47 grams of gold in a year. Works out to ₹ 134,283 or $ 1981. 

If only these geniuses came up with this shit a while earlier, the Indian gold coffers would have been shining with the Glitter of gold and the slightly ammonia tinged smell of 'Gau muthra' to the tune of about FORTY TRILLION NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY SIX BILLION THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-THREE MILLION RUPEES our country wasted in just one year ? You want to read it again in dollars ? Here goes - $ 602,711,000,000 only. That's what we ignoramuses wasted last one year. Which is roughly 30% of the country's GDP by the latest count. (

p.s. I am going to quit my job and buy 10 cows.